Get PromptPai's Description{pp_id}
Request - Method: GET
  • pp_id : PromptPai ID or Phone no.
  • key : Longdo Map API Key (GET argument)
  • ref : Reference code (GET argument) optional
Response - Format: JSON
  • status : Status of response as follow:
    • code : Result code (200: success, 403: access denied, 404: data not found, others: failed)
    • error_code : Error code
    • text : Error message
  • data : Object of descriptions as follow:
    • promptpai_id : PromptPai ID
    • promptpai_name_en : Place's name in English
    • promptpai_name_th : Place's name in Thai
    • promptpai_address : Object of place's address as follow:
      • address_th : Place's address in Thai
      • address_en : Place's address in English
      • houseno_th : Room / Floor / Building / House's number in Thai
      • houseno_en : Room / Floor / Building / House's number in English
      • road_th : Road's name in Thai
      • road_en : Road's name in English
      • subdistrict_th : Subdistrict in Thai
      • subdistrict_en : Subdistrict in English
      • district_th : Subdistrict in Thai
      • district_en : Subdistrict in English
      • province_th : Subdistrict in Thai
      • province_en : Subdistrict in English
      • postcode : Postcode
      • geocode : Geocode
    • promptpai_locationtype_en : Place's category in English
    • promptpai_locationtype_th : Place's category in Thai
    • promptpai_telephone : Place's phone number
    • promptpai_url : PromptPai URL
    • promptpai_location : Place's location (Object of latitude, longitude)
      • lat : Latitude
      • lon : Longitude
    • promptpai_images : Place's images (Array of images) as follow:
      • created : Upload time (Unix Timestamp)
      • description : Image's comment
      • imagepath : Image 's path
    • iconfilename : Icon of place's type
    • iconfilename_hd : Icon of place's type (size: 2X)
    • lastupdate : Last update (Unix Timestamp)
  • response : Reference code from "ref"

QR Code

PromptPai's Description{PromptPai ID}
Send Me a PromptPai ID{User ID} your QR Code to receive a PromptPai ID from other users - แสดง QR Code นี้เพื่อรับพิกัด